About Kaspersky Antidrone

The Kaspersky Antidrone project began its development at Kaspersky Lab in 2019. Today, our drone detection and monitoring system is used at industrial facilities, transportation infrastructure and public events not only in Russia, but also around the world.

From a startup whose founders showed their technological developments to Kaspersky Lab's investment committee in 2018, Kaspersky Antidrone has grown into a full-fledged business unit of the company with a portfolio of orders and completed projects.

Today, the project involves more than 30 engineers and developers, not counting Kaspersky Lab's resources. The team is involved in software and hardware development and regularly tests the system using drones of various types and classes.

Our goal is to create an effective system for detecting, monitoring and countering drones without harming the environment and able to adapt as quickly as possible to the changing threat landscape without being vendor-specific.

Our goal is to create an effective system for detecting, monitoring and countering drones without harming the environment and able to adapt as quickly as possible to the changing threat landscape without being vendor-specific.

Kaspersky Antidrone Expertise
Kaspersky Antidrone holds four patents in Russia, three patents in Europe and two patents in the US.
About the company
“Kaspersky Lab is an international company working in the field of information security and digital privacy for over 25 years.

Technology partners

Partnership agreements with the world’s leading suppliers of detection equipment ensure the compatibility of all the system’s software and hardware components. Our partners include manufacturers of all types of sensors, which guarantees a wide choice for the customer and flexibility when configuring the overall solution.

We are actively developing Kaspersky Antidrone and welcome collaboration with developers and manufacturers of laser scanners, sector radars, thermal sensors, video cameras, microphones and devices for radio frequency and infrared scanning.

Integration partners

Our partners ensure the level of quality and expertise expected at Kaspersky. Integration partners provide regional customer support and high-quality deployment of Kaspersky Antidrone.

Kaspersky Antidrone builds strong relationships with integrators around the world so that in every country it is possible to integrate and support customers, purchase the best equipment and obtain certification. We welcome new integration partners and the opportunity to work on innovative projects together.


  • Why would a drone detection system need software?
  • If Kaspersky Antidrone is installed, do I need to renew my license and why?
  • What is the advantage of Kaspersky Antidrone software compared to competitors?

Contact us

If you want to purchase Kaspersky Antidrone, ask a question, or submit a request for a demonstration, please get in touch with us.