Protecting airport airspace from drones

Kaspersky Antidrone protects the airport territory from malicious or unintentional use of UAVs, preventing the risk of schedule disruption, airborne collisions and threats to human life.

UAVs at airports

According to statistics, each major airport handles around 400 flights per day. For an aircraft, take-off and landing are the most vulnerable stages of a flight, a time when the engines operate at increased capacity. These are the altitudes at which birds and drones fly.

Drone strikes have been proven to be more serious than a bird hitting a plane or being sucked into an engine. As well as damaging aircraft structure, a drone strike on an engine will result in a fire and fatalities.

  • Kaspersky Antidrone
  • Keeps people safe
  • Prevents flight diversions, delays or cancellations
  • Detects in and around the airport territory

Choosing a solution


Kaspersky Antidrone adapts to the type and threat landscape of a site with the ability to integrate into existing security and monitoring systems.


The layout of the detection, classification and neutralization modules is implemented in such a way that it covers the territory of the airport, including the approach path.


Configuration and demonstration of the Kaspersky Antidrone system takes place over one day, after which the client is provided with detailed instructions on how to use the solution.


Kaspersky Antidrone operates in continuous airspace monitoring mode: detection and classification are performed automatically 24 hours a day.

Use case

1500×6000 m
Implementation period
6—12 months

Project specifics

Airports differ from other sites in terms of their scale: the monitored zone includes not only the territory of the airport itself but also the airspace used during takeoff and landing.

The Kaspersky Antidrone solution

The optimal choice for airports is a set of equipment that includes RF scanners or lidar sensors due to their high detection range. A classification module for thermal sensors with a viewing radius of 1500 meters is also included.

The neutralization module can be integrated into Kaspersky Antidrone software when the client receives additional certificates and permissions.

Portable detector

This module classifies an object at any time of day thanks to thermal imaging cameras, determines the distance to the object and performs targeting, waiting for a command to be sent to the jamming device.

Processing module

The module is a system server. The server is portable, which allows you to deploy the system at a convenient location. It processes all the data from the sensors and makes security decisions.

Portable UAV detector

This module classifies an object at any time of day thanks to thermal imaging cameras, determines the distance to the object and performs targeting, waiting for a command to be sent to the jamming device.


Radar-based detection device suitable for use at large sites areas, day and night, in all weather conditions.

Radio frequency scanner

RF scanning is suitable for large sites, including those in urban areas, regardless of time of day or weather conditions, with the ability to determine the location of the pilot.

Jamming module

Jamming UAVs is possible by creating interference on frequency channels. It prevents the drone from sending control or navigation signals and reaching its final destination, causing the aircraft to force a landing or return to the point of launch.


Laser scanning technology provides 360-degree monitoring of airspace within a radius of up to 1 kilometer. The technology does not require additional permits and can be used at sites within city limits.

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